
Stationary set was created as a follow up project after winning a logo contest at 99designs. Out of several proposals, customer picked one and we worked closely to fine-tune that chosen version to make it exactly as required by customer. Nerve Watch monitors the functional integrity of certain neural structures during surgery, that’s why motif of waves from the logo is also used in the design of stationary.Continue Reading


In a last few days I was working for via 99designs.com for an American company called Nerve Watch. Contest holder had a clear vision what his logo should look like, so I only helped to translate his vision into vector graphic. I’m very proud as one of the designs I made was chosen at the end, so I would like to share more about this project.Continue Reading


Here’s one of projects I’m currently working via 99designs website for freelancers for a Green Community from Bainbridge Island near Seattle, USA.Continue Reading

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