Some of my logos I sold via as almost ready-made concepts. Therefore sometimes I know very little about the buyer. Today I’m presenting a logo bought by an anonymous customer from New Zealand, so I have no clue for what kind of business is this logo going to be used.Continue Reading
Archivessierpień, 2013
29sieLogo for English School from Japan

Sometimes my logos are quite complex, but from time to time my customers are looking for very simple concepts. Here’s a logo I created & sold to an English School from Japan.Continue Reading
27siePhoto from YoBerry frozen yogurt store

In my portfolio you may find a logo I created for YoBerry. They recently opened the first store in Norway, and they used what I designed for them. My job was to create a logo, yogurt cups, stickers, signboards and posters. Here you may see a photo from their store.Continue Reading