From time to time I sell a logo to anonymous buyers via Unfortunately I have no clue how they are going to use a logo created by me. Today I’d like to show a logo sold a month ago. I created it for an imaginary company called Wealth Bridge, and I used an abstract shape of letter W to picture a bridge, which can be then used for a real company which for example offers bridge (short-term) financial loans.Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘lettermark’
24czeLetterform logo ES

Here’s a letter-form logo created by me from initials ES / SE, which I combined together into one shape. Logo was sold via and the buyer was anonymous so I don’t know how and where this logo will be used.Continue Reading
29marMy logos for sale – letter N
Creating pictorial or abstract marks based on company’s initials is one of the most common direction. That’s why in last few years I designed huge number of such logos. Many of them remained unused, so I made them available for sale at store. Today I’m going to present two concepts with a letter N.Continue Reading