
Recently I put part of my unused logos for sale at StockLogos (http://stocklogos.com/user/mejaki) Already a couple of my logos have been purchased. Here is one of these sold logos. It’s a modern and strong letter mark build out of AL initials for AudioLabs. Unfortunately buyer was anonymous, so I don’t know who bought that logo, but I hope it will find a good home.Continue Reading


As explained yesterday in other post, I was out of regular work for 2 months. But I completed some projects right before taking such a long break. One of them was logo created for HBH Global, a company from Netherlands, which offers consultancy & management services to other companies trying to enter European markets. HBH in in general management consultancy, primarily focused on international market entry projects. HBH were looking for a logo through 99designs.com, so I had to compete with 15 other designers. There was almost no information provided in the project brief, so I had full freedom in creating this logo. I decided to focus on global aspect, but instead of typical silhouette of Earth, I sketched a unique & simplified icon, in which I also incorporated a small arrow to suggest things like turnover & change. I was really glad that my idea was chosen at the end.Continue Reading


I have a huge database of logos I created, which weren’t approved by my clients. I also made a lot of logos for various crowd sourcing projects via 99designs.com, which weren’t chosen by contest holders. That’s why I decided to put part of these logos on sale. If you are interested, you may check them here. http://stocklogos.com/user/mejakiContinue Reading

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