
Here’s a next set of my logos, which I put on sale at www.stocklogos.com This time I decided to feature my logos with dogs.Continue Reading


Recently I had limited time for freelancing, as I invested some time in preparing next set of unused logos for sale, as it’s been going pretty good at the logo store. My logos can be purchased via stocklogos.com. In coming weeks I’ll post a couple of articles to feature some logos, which I grouped into categories. At the start, here are my designs in which birds are used as a pictorial mark.Continue Reading


My last contest at 99design.com, which I won just before my holidays, was held by The Woods Law Firm, a specialized law firm from USA. They have offices in a couple of cities in State of South Carolina. For over 16 years they have been defending people who have legal issues and court cases and help people injured in auto accidents and work-related accidents. Contest holder specified in his brief a couple of idea for his own logo, I decided to focus on the concept which incorporates a shield into the design. I decided to combine the letter W with a very simple shield. That letter W also can be recognized as two arms or even as two arms with swords in hands. The winning design will be used in all future prints but also tv & media campaigns. It will be also used to redesign the website in coming months. With this design, I managed to beat over 150 entries by 18 other designers, so I was extremely happy of the final success.Continue Reading

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