This logo I created long time ago and put it for sale at It was bought from me some time ago by UniAdmission, a Dubai based company which provides and delivers high-value, comprehensive and reliable university admissions service and career counselling to international students who wish to study abroad in the UK, in Australia, in USA, in Canada or in Dubai. Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘people’
28kw.Logo for Family Mediation

Recently I sold some logos via and today I’m presenting a logo for the office providing mediation services, called Family Mediation UK. Logo will be used used primarily for their mainstream mediation services. I also prepared an alternative version of the logo with the rainbow, based on client’s instructions, as that one will be for used People Mediation, which will serve LGBT communities and businesses. Continue Reading
18wrzShakespeare House Community Centre

Recently I got an opportunity to prepare a new logo for Shakespeare House Community Centre, a vibrant community centre located in South Manchester in Great Britain.It’s a charity organization, created as a unique response to local needs. They are open to all, are home to various groups and are always looking to find new ways of supporting the wider community. It’s a home to both mainstream Christian and Muslim activities. They actively encourage interfaith and inter-community activities.
My task was to prepare a logo, which will maintain some link with previous logo, and will still remain very simple. I decided to take the house from old logo and added 3 abstract shapes to represent a family. All is in vibrant colors, to point out diversity of the local community. The house is shaped a bit like an arrow to suggest the growth & improvement.Continue Reading