ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘logo’


Some of my logos I sold via as almost ready-made concepts. Therefore sometimes I know very little about the buyer. Today I’m presenting a logo bought by an anonymous customer from New Zealand, so I have no clue for what kind of business is this logo going to be used.Continue Reading


Sometimes my logos are quite complex, but from time to time my customers are looking for very simple concepts. Here’s a logo I created & sold to an English School from Japan.Continue Reading


Some time ago I was asked to create a completely new logo for Yogis, a Norway-based premium frozen yoghurt business. I had a full freedom in creating a logo, so I made various initial concepts, from which the one with a smiley face was chosen. I used letters o and g in the word Yogis to create a funny looking face, with a tongue sticking out, to show how tasty these yoghurts are. For the customer it was important to somehow suggest that yoghurts are made in Norway, so I decided to use colors from a Norwegian flag as the base colors for this logo. But I also made a couple of alternative color version for other display purposes. Continue Reading