Some time ago I created & sold an icon of a simplified Earth, designed in Dutch orange colour. This icon was later on used to create a logo for The Global Executive. Please click the link to see the website where my icon is used. And below you may see the initial look of the logo.Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘globe’
18kw.Orange Globe logo sold

I have been busy recently with other things, so had limited time for freelancing. But from time to time my logos are being bought at online store with ready-made-logos. Here’s one of the recent sales. It presents a simplified shape of an Earth.Continue Reading
03czeHand-drawn icon logo for HBH

As explained yesterday in other post, I was out of regular work for 2 months. But I completed some projects right before taking such a long break. One of them was logo created for HBH Global, a company from Netherlands, which offers consultancy & management services to other companies trying to enter European markets. HBH in in general management consultancy, primarily focused on international market entry projects. HBH were looking for a logo through, so I had to compete with 15 other designers. There was almost no information provided in the project brief, so I had full freedom in creating this logo. I decided to focus on global aspect, but instead of typical silhouette of Earth, I sketched a unique & simplified icon, in which I also incorporated a small arrow to suggest things like turnover & change. I was really glad that my idea was chosen at the end.Continue Reading