Today I’d like to present a final version of a logo chosen in the contest at I created this logo for Paradise Coaching & Consulting, which offer coaching and consulting services to small & medium business owners. My main inspiration to create this logo was taken from the project brief, where it was mentioned that there will 7 disciplines of business that the owner of this firm will be coaching or consulting on. That’s why I created a shape of a star built out of 6 elements, with 7th element in the centre. Colours and fonts are chosen according to preferences of the contest holder, who requested simple fonts to be used, in combination with blue or grey colours.Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘coaching’
06wrzMy logos for sale – Consulting & Networking
Several times I’ve worked on logo design projects for small companies, which offer coaching, consulting and networking services. Thanks to that I have built up my own set of unused logos suitable for such companies. I published some of these logos for sale at Click further to take a look on them.Continue Reading
09sieFull Life Principle – logo for leadership coach

In the past I designed a couple of logos suitable for companies from the area of coaching & consulting. One of these concepts was recently found to be interesting to a life & leadership coach, who is starting up new business under the name The Full Life Principle. He is going to create a personality profile that will help people come to terms with who they are and their past life experiences so that they can better make decisions about their relationships and career. According to him too many people simple stand back and wait for life to happen and only hope that it will get better. Continue Reading