Here’s a logo I prepared for a new US brand of sunglasses. A tithe means a one-tenth part of something, in the past paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government. Nowadays, it usually a voluntary contribution. In case of this brand, the name represent the concept of giving away 1/10 of profits for charity causes. The small simple icon on top of letter „i” is used to suggest that 1/10 part.Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘charity’
21czeBet For Your Charity

One of my latest logos sold was for start-up online company called Bet For Your Charity from USA. I got really small amount of information so I don’t exactly understand how this website is going to work, but at least I know it will help to raise money for various charity organizations. Main request of the customer was to create a logo which looks like a special token, based on a photo he provided for an inspiration. Therefore my role was mainly to come up with idea, how to put a really long name, initials and a tagline into a round token. Below you may see the final result, fine-tuned to specific requirements of the customer.Continue Reading
12marInvitations for Ghurki Hospital Events

Next to designing a logo for Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital, I was also asked to prepare a set of invitations for a special fundraising dinner, organized by Ghurki Hospital Events from Manchaster in UK. I decided to use gold colour from a logo with some gradients, to achieve a shiny effect, when invitations are printed on a high gloss paper. At the bottom I used a flourish ornament, typical for Pakistani style (as hospital supported by this charity organization is located in Lahori, Pakistan). The back-side of invitation is used to present logos of key sponsors.Continue Reading