Some days ago I won a contest at and I would like to present the final concept, as I’m really pleased with the logo I managed to create. The name of the business is in German; feuergespräche means something like „fire talks” or „talks in fire”, and contest holder really wanted this to be reflected in the design. The company provides psychological counseling in which the personal growth & development of the client are at the center stand. In this fire talks it’s all about the access to feelings, intuition and perception. That’s why the element of fire is so important, as that fire (passion) helps in processing difficulties, in transforming and purification. And the final result of such fire talks is, that clients recognize their own inner fire of life. The fire is also a symbol of a bridge between rational world and emotional (spiritual) world. At the end I just wanted to mention, that designing process was really great in case of that logo thanks to a perfect & proactive attitude of the contest holder.Continue Reading
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘abstract’
16wrzThe Server Consultants’ Network

Here’s one of my recently sold logos via It was chosen & purchased by new IT start-up business, which is going to build a social community network for server consultants. I used a very abstract way of showing a group of people, standing in a closed ring. Continue Reading