
As it’s almost Christmas time, it’s was finally a moment to design a new website header, more suitable for that special period of the year. I’m awaiting for Christmas gifts in Santa’s hat and red cheeks due to cold weather.Continue Reading


One of the recent projects, which I won at 99designs.com, was to create a logo for a luxury real estate company Cayman Marshall International Realty Inc. This company is now being established by experienced realty brokers from Ontario province in Canada. They will specialize in selling cottages and high end waterfront properties. One of the concepts suggested by the client was to create a letter form type of logo. That’s why I used initials CM to create a simple and elegant mark. Continue Reading


Here’s a logo designed by me for an Australian start-up company, which is going to help people to save on their power bills. The Australian government has a 6 star rating program for energy efficiency, so in the logo there are 7 stars to show that Above the Stars helps to go even above expectations. At client’s request I used very strong colours so it really strikes the eye with the vibrant ambiance.Continue Reading

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