Here’s a set of concepts I made for a contest holder who was looking for an icon showing a bridge. Any of these was chosen, but I’m satisfied with the outcome of my work and decided to present it today on my blog.Continue Reading
30lisThe Miley Legal Group

Today I present a logo, which was chosen in the contest run by The Miley Legal Group. They are based in West Virginia, USA and represent personal-injury victims and their families. MLG team was looking for a simple and clean yet bold design. Their brand has always been linked with a motto 'fighting like a tiger for you’, therefore they asked designers to prepare concepts with various tiger related abstract imagery. I enjoyed a lot working on concepts for MLG and was really glad to be awarded a win at the end of the contest. Logo is not yet visible on their website, but I got info they plan to rebuild the site soon.Continue Reading
28lisConcepts with a hummingbird

Few weeks ago I was trying to win a contest at in which a hummingbird was supposed to be the main feature in the logo. Unfortunately for me, the contest holder changed her mind and picked at the end completely different concept, but at least I enjoyed working on this subject and made a couple of interesting logos.Continue Reading