Here’s my latest logo sold via stocklogos store to a new company called Core Consulting from USA. My general idea was to create an abstract symbol, which is build out of two sans-serif letters C, with some sort of element in the middle to symbolize a core. And all together is supposed to look like a target.Continue Reading
18marMy logos for sale – cows & bulls
A year ago I started to sell my unused logos with a store. It’s been going pretty well, but I hope next year will be even better. That’s why I need to promote my logos more often, so in coming weeks I’ll be publishing some blog posts, in which I’ll be presenting my logos available for sale. At the start, I’d like to show first set of logos, in which a cow or a bull plays the main role.Continue Reading
17marLogo for Wicked Cow Creamery

Today I’d like to present my logo purchased by Wicked Cow Creamery, a start-up company from Spain. Anyone will have a chance to hire their ice cream carts for weddings and all other celebrations. I had a lot of fun creating this logo and did my best to make that cow a bit wicked, but happy & friendly looking. It’s great this logo is going to be used for this kind of business!Continue Reading