It’s very common to use the shape of a bridge as an abstract or pictorial mark in a logo. I also created several concepts, which I’d like to present today. All of them are available for sale at store. Bridge can have several meanings, for example it may symbolize any sort of transition in the life. It may also symbolize a critical juncture in your life or can even represent a birth – that is, the crossing from 'the other world’ to this, or from womb to an independent existence. Bridges are symbols of connection, of cooperation and of harmony.Continue Reading
21marLogo for Juergens Chiropractic

Some days ago I managed to win another contest at I competed with 24 other designers from all over the world, but at the end my concept was awarded! I created this logo for a chiropractic office, also offering nutrition & exercise recommendations and massage therapy. Main request from the customer was to create a bold, highly readable logo, which can be easily seen from a distance, as logo will be mainly used on a large signboard. At first I focused on choosing the best typeface, later on I designed a simple abstract mark, representing growth, rejuvenation and nature. Continue Reading
20marMy logos for sales – cows & bulls – part two
Today I’d like to present second part of the set of logos I created in 2011 & 2012. All of these logos have one common element – a cow or a bull are pictured as the logo mark. All of them are available for sale at store. All these logos could be used for example to promote organic dairy products, or as the brand for a vegetarian or vegan restaurant, frozen yoghurt or ice cream seller, or a food blog.Continue Reading