I finally found time to update my site after another long break . In coming weeks I’ll be adding some of logos I created in last 2 months. As the first one, here’s a logo designed long time ago, however this logo found a new owner only very recently. I created that logo with a sun elevating over a horizon and luckily for me, a client from UK was looking for a concept for his company called Elevated Horizons. Thanks to that, this logo will be used by a coaching & training company from London.Continue Reading
09gruLogo for LED Designer Lights

Here’s my next logo which found a new owner via an online logo store. It will be used by a retailer, who sells designer LED lighting products via Amazon.Continue Reading
05gruLogo for Sissoni

Logo designed by me for a website, which will be initially a blog about all things home interiors, cool products for the home, furniture etc. In a longer run, the site will be used to launch a furniture homewares online store.Continue Reading