In my portfolio you may find a logo I created for YoBerry. They recently opened the first store in Norway, and they used what I designed for them. My job was to create a logo, yogurt cups, stickers, signboards and posters. Here you may see a photo from their store.Continue Reading
25sieLogo for Yogis – Norwegian frozen yogurts

Some time ago I was asked to create a completely new logo for Yogis, a Norway-based premium frozen yoghurt business. I had a full freedom in creating a logo, so I made various initial concepts, from which the one with a smiley face was chosen. I used letters o and g in the word Yogis to create a funny looking face, with a tongue sticking out, to show how tasty these yoghurts are. For the customer it was important to somehow suggest that yoghurts are made in Norway, so I decided to use colors from a Norwegian flag as the base colors for this logo. But I also made a couple of alternative color version for other display purposes. Continue Reading
23sieLogo for UniAdmission

This logo I created long time ago and put it for sale at It was bought from me some time ago by UniAdmission, a Dubai based company which provides and delivers high-value, comprehensive and reliable university admissions service and career counselling to international students who wish to study abroad in the UK, in Australia, in USA, in Canada or in Dubai. Continue Reading