Today I’d like to present a very simple logo created some time ago and recently sold via stocklogos to an Australian-based company called Webtree. They are a small family-based web agency that provides start-to-finish, fixed-price web solutions to small and medium sized businesses. Continue Reading
10lisCooperation with Yogis, Norwegian frozen yoghurts

Recently I had a great opportunity to create a new look of Yogis, a Norwegian brand of frozen yoghurt. They are growing quickly and are opening new stores. Recently they were so kind to share with me various photos, which I’m glad to share with you. I created a logo for them and also other graphic elements, e.g. cups, signboards, icons. You can follow them on Facebook, search for yogisnorge.Continue Reading
04wrzLogo for Worldway Technologies

Here’s a logo I created & sold to England based company, which operates in various markets worldwide. Main business area is linked with providing eco-fiendly, high-tech LED lighting solutions.Continue Reading