Here’s a project which unfortunately I didn’t manage to finalize with a client, but I really enjoyed working on that assignment and at the end also client was so kind to give me a great testimonial, despite the fact he picked a slightly different logo made by other designer. This logo was made by me for a company from UK, which is a supplier of a large range of marshmallows and traditional sweets to department stores and high end food markets. Client was looking for a tree based logo, build out of marshmallows and candies. These products are sold in smart gift packaging through department stores, so also label for packaging had to be designed. Colours which I used were specified in the project brief. Overall look & fell had to be attractive for kids but also sophisticated enough for adults, as most products are bought by adults either for themselves or as a present for kids. Continue Reading
Archivesgrudzień, 2011
22gruChristmas coming

As it’s almost Christmas time, it’s was finally a moment to design a new website header, more suitable for that special period of the year. I’m awaiting for Christmas gifts in Santa’s hat and red cheeks due to cold weather.Continue Reading
21gruLogo for a luxury real estate company

One of the recent projects, which I won at, was to create a logo for a luxury real estate company Cayman Marshall International Realty Inc. This company is now being established by experienced realty brokers from Ontario province in Canada. They will specialize in selling cottages and high end waterfront properties. One of the concepts suggested by the client was to create a letter form type of logo. That’s why I used initials CM to create a simple and elegant mark. Continue Reading